Das junge kleinod (Geestenseth/D) and Likeminds (Amsterdam/NL)

“MY SPACES” is a German-Dutch collaboration with Likeminds, an established partner theatre from Amsterdam.  Together with the Dutch participants, the question is explored what exactly does “my space” mean? My house? My room? My body? And how do I preserve or protect “my space”? 12 young participants* of Das Letzte Kleinod (D) and Likeminds (NL) bring these thoughts to the surface in interviews. Stories also of young people who had to leave their own space due to war, hunger or illness. On the way to a new, freer and less dangerous space. These stories are then rewritten by the young people into short stories, theatre dialogues, poetry and songs. These are presented on location in Germany and the Netherlands. The young teams design MY SPACES as personal stage spaces in the Oceanblue Train in Geestenseth and in a building in Amsterdam.

The project “MY SPACES” takes place with the kind support of jonge kunst (Fonds Soziokultur and Fonds Cultuurparticipatie).