In collaboration with Joana Cavaco
Evening in English
Love your body,
hug your folds,
you are beautiful,
be yourself,
manifest, manifest,
rinse, repeat,
just rinse!
just repeat!
just embrace
just love yourself.
In a world full of unrealistic beauty standards, in which fat bodies, disabled bodies, hairy bodies, sick bodies, old bodies, queer bodies and so many others are villainized, how do we make space to love ourselves radically?
Rooted in the already existent work of fat, queer and disability activists, body positivity has become a household name by condensing a long term struggle for liberation and dignity, into a few catchy phrases. At the same time, it is also undeniable that body positivity has been revolutionary in bringing topics of radical acceptance and love to the dinner table, fostering easy access to this life changing philosophy.
What is body positivity, and most importantly, what are the origins of this movement, its main hurdles, joys and challenges?
In this very special edition of ‘’Becoming’’, curated by activist and programmer Joana Cavaco, we will be exploring the different facets of the body positive movement while also celebrating the bodies leading this revolution. During this beautiful evening we will be taking space, while also celebrating that ALL bodies can be adored and radically wanted. As a special feature, during the second half of our themed open mic ‘’Impressions on body positivity- reflections of a movement’’ we invite YOU to bring your joy, anger, knowledge and even lust to the stage. Take up this space and share what is on your mind and heart.
Join us on the 2nd of June at Likeminds Amsterdam & take part in this moment of communal reflection!
Joana Cavaco
Born in the Portuguese capital, Joana Cavaco has studied singing, cello and classical guitar at the Metropolitan Music School of Lisbon. Despite her early interest with music, Joana quickly developed a passion for European politics, Women’s rights and Culture which made her pursue a BA at Leiden University in North American politics and Gender and Sexuality.
Cavaco resides in Rotterdam, where she currently works for the Dutch NGO Humanitas as the coordinator of The Hang Out 010- a safe haven for the queer youth in the city. Furthermore, Joana is also a volunteer coordinator at the Amsterdam based Black Pride NL. As a community-based organizer, Joana advocates for the eradication of verbal and physical sexual harassment within the city- having already worked with youngsters from all over Europe on the topics of Women’s rights and gender equality. She has experience with the creation of safe(r) spaces, developing various practices when it comes to inclusivity and queer emancipation. By organizing an international women’s day SLUTWALK, collaborating and curating programmes that reflect the inclusivity and sustainability of these practices, Joana aims to catalyze change from the bottom up.
As an artist, Joana mainly works as a writer, curator and performer having done multiple projects for institutions and fellow artists such as Oerol, LowLands, Motel Mozaique, Roodkapje, Dansateliers, WORM, MilkShake, Studio Rik Versteeg, Deborah X, Connor Schumacher, Ratri Notosudirdjo and Naomie Pieter. And as an educator Joana has worked with (many of them Rotterdam based) partners and institutions such as: Kunstinstituut Melly, RADAR, Nederland Wordt Beter, Het Nieuwe Instituut, Boijmans Depot, WORM, Dona Daria, IDEM, RUTU, COC Nederland, Erasmus University and of course, the Gemeente Rotterdam itself. Cavaco is also currently a fellow at the Humanity in Action Berlin fellowship programme for 2023/2024.
IG: @joanacavaco